As you all know, we are in the beginning stages of finishing the basement. The progress has to-date been slower than we'd like, but things are starting to pick up. We are putting in a gas fireplace, partly for warmth, partly for ambiance and Heat 'n Glo's "Cosmo SLR" model fits the style we're headed for. It is a sleek 13 inches high and 4 feet wide. And yes, it will be in the wall, much like this picture, although not as high. Unfortunately, behind the sleek front is a rather large metal box that has created some design challenges - in addition to only having 7 1/2' ceilings, but things are set now. It seems strange that this is the first thing that gets put in, but there is an order to these things! Installation will hopefully be in about 2 weeks! Check out the brochure, too!